In our latest video we feature some ideas to do at home using food (link hier). Here’s a few more, age appropriate activities.
3-6 Months
- Throw some otees (or any other cereal) in a container and put your baby inside. Let them discover the texture. Talk to them about what they are feeling.

Use shoe laces or any other strings and thread otees through it. Roll it over your babies body.
Make a few strings of otees, fasten it onto the edges of an umbrella. Fasten the umbrella above your baby (you can hook the handle in somewhere) with the otee strings hanging down, let your baby follow it with his eyes. You can also add strings with other objects like old cd’s to make the “mobile” fuller.

7-12 Months
Give your baby a piece of watermelon to play with and manipulate with their hands.
Thread pieces of fruit onto a skewer let your baby try to remove the pieces.
Throw some otees (or any other cereal) in a container and put your baby inside. Let them discover the texture. Talk to them about what they are feeling. Give your baby a spoon to try and “stir” the otees. Put a small container in for them to play and scoop with. Hide some small toys and let them look for it.
13-21 Months
Throw some otees (or any other cereal) in a container. Let your baby discover the texture. Talk to her about what she is feeling. Give your baby a spoon to try and “stir” the otees. Put a small bowl in as well. Let her scoop some otees from the container into the smaller bowl. Hide some small toys in the otees and let her look for it.
Give your child a pipe cleaner or cable tie with otees already on. Let him take off the otees and throw it into a bottle. Count whilst he is doing this
Put a banana on a tray. Let your baby try to peel the banana (you can help him). Show him how to cut the banana into wheels with a plastic knife. Let them try and thread the banana pieces onto a skewer (preferably cut off the sharp end of the skewer).
22-36 Months
Let your toddler peel different kinds of fruit, cut it with a plastic knife and thread it onto a skewer. As they are threading, let them count the pieces. Talk about the different textures, colours, smells and what they taste.

Give your toddler a few pieces of watermelon and a tweezer. Let him take out the pips with the tweezer and put it in a bowl.
Give your toddler a bowl of otees (or any other cereal with a hole in the middle). Let her thread it onto a pipe cleaner or a cable tie. Let her name the colours as she is threading. When she has finished threading, help her to tie the ends together to make a bracelet.

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