Mamas, we’ve been seeing rainbows created by little ones everywhere! Rainbows to spread hope, rainbows to share joy and even fun rainbow activities to help pass the time. As you know, Pienkvoet-Pret’s logo recently changed to a rainbow, you may have also seen our lastest video … so we thought it fitting to share a few rainbow activities of our own that your little one can enjoy.
Chalk rainbows

Rock rainbows

Paper Plate Cotton Rainbow
- Cut a paper plate in half
- Start painting a strip on the outside edge of the paper plate with red paint.
- Continue with orange, yellow, green, and blue – Encourage your toddler or preschooler to look at a picture of a rainbow so they can see the shape and colour of a rainbow. Take this opportunity to help your child develop their colour recognition skills or learn the colours of the rainbow. Allow time to dry.
- Once you’ve done that, cut a 5 cm strip of your scrap paper plate and glue it under the back of your rainbow.
- Glue cotton balls on the ends of the rainbow and cut off any excess paper plate.

Bottle lid Rainbow
This is the perfect way to keep your little one busy. Grab some old bottle lids in your home, put a few paint colours out and let your little one use the lid as a stencil to press onto paper into the shape of the rainbow.
Please share your fun rainbow activities with us on Social Media, we would love to see how they turn out!

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